Re-definition(s) of the role of city centers and Central Business Districts under the effect of extreme heat conditions and Climate Change: Evidence from the Mediterranean context.


  • Apostolos Lagarias University of Thessaly


climate change, urban planning, heatwave, central business district, Athens, urban structure




Central Business Districts have always been the loci of major transformation, redevelopment and constant re-definition(s) regarding their role within large urban territories. Climate Change combined with Urban Heat Island, could render CBDs particularly vulnerable to extreme heat conditions and persistent heatwaves, affecting their key functions and quality of life. This work investigates the above issue through a case study in Athens, a densely populated Mediterranean urban agglomeration. Methodology involves identification of key aspects of the CBD structure that increase its vulnerability to extreme heat waves and related hazards and pressures. Our conclusions state that Climate Change could eventually lead to changes in urban structure, affecting existing CBDs and possibly favoring relocation of activities towards other city zones, where climatic conditions will be more favourable.


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