Catholicism, violence and institutions: drivers of informal settlements’ public places in Caracas


  • Gabriela Quintana Vigiola University of Technology Sydney


Public Place, informality, social drivers, institutions




This presentation discusses the findings published in [construction of the] public realm in infor- mal settlements in Caracas, Venezuela and the social and institu- tional drivers underpinning its development. Public spaces in informal settlements are usually conceived and constructed by residents, sometimes with the help and support of diverse institu- tions. These places created by people can be considered public realm from their genesis, as the community have built and experi- enced them since their staFrt. A qualitative study with a case study design informs this paper. In-depth interviews, mapping and a photographic survey were carried out. The focus on the physical space, religious activities and psychosocial meanings in an informal settlement in Caracas led to understanding the constituents of the public realm and their drivers. The community’s solidarity and collaboration and their religiosity shaped the construction of the public realm. Simultaneously, governmental and ecclesiastic insti- tutions played a fundamental role in its development. The paper adds to the knowledge about the creation of the public realm in informal settlements by discussing residents’ stories related to this process. The public realm in informal settlements is created through resident-driven approaches founded on social aspects and influenced by institutional factors that go beyond the design and construction of the physical space.