The public space between land and sea. Quarteira's case


  • Francesca Dal Cin CIAUD, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Cristiana Valente Monteiro CIAUD, Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Nawaf Al Mushayt CIAUD, Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Maria Ines Franco
  • Maria Matos Silva CIAUD, Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Sérgio Barreiros Proença CIAUD, Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa


Public Space, Seashore Street, Passeio das Dunas, PROAP, Quarteira, Portugal




This article is inscribed in the research project “MAR - As Marginais Atlânticas Portuguesas. Leitura interpretativa e Projecto em contexto de Alterações Climáticas. / The Portuguese Atlantic Seashore Streets. Interpretative reading and Design in Climate Change context”, and the embryo project “[ENTRA]MAR. Sea intertwined city. Interpretation and Design of Portuguese Seashore Streets vulnerable to sea level rise” coordinated by Sérgio Barreiros Proença, funded by FCT exploratory projects through CIAUD - Research Center in Architecture, Urbanism and Design at the Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal).

The research presented in this article describes two different architectural design approaches to urban public space between land and sea; case study is the Portuguese coastal city, Quarteira.  On the Quarteira seafront, the fixed linear infrastructure system of seashore streets (east of the city) and a dune park Passeio das Dunas (west of the city) succeed each other, separated by the city port area.

The objective of the research is to define, through comparison, the compositional design principles of the two public spaces.

We observe in Passeio das Dunas project, PROAP's design purpose to recognise the transformative process that the marine environment entails and thus propose in the project a dune landscape in continuous transformation. Rigid infrastructures, such as the seashore street, in fact, become ruins over time.

If in the competition phase the Passeio das Dunas was conceived as non-linear forms and paths related to working with living and evolving ecological systems such as green and blue infrastructure, in the realisation phase the same forms were realised through rigid systems that block the dune.

Methodologically, drawing allows us to decompose the urban space into different layers and isolate the public space, representing the different phases of construction and transformation, and then placing it in relation to the maritime urban landscape. This process of elemental decomposition (Viganò, 1999) is a necessary tool to highlight the material and immaterial characteristics of the space between the land and the sea.

In conclusion, we believe that the study allows for the comparison of different spatial design approaches - at the scale of public space - allowing for an understanding of contemporary design principles and critical issues that can be observed in the spaces at the margins between the city and the sea. Although the Passeio das Dunas was not constructed as designed, we consider that it remains an initial starting point for a long theoretical discussion and one of the possible paths on the future formal definition of the vulnerable public space, between the city and the sea, of the effects of climate change.

Author Biographies

  • Cristiana Valente Monteiro, CIAUD, Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa

    Cristiana Valente Monteiro (Lisbon, Portugal, 1997) Architect, Master in Architecture and Urbanism by the Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, with the final master's project entitled "Between Sea and Land. Monuments for an uncertain future". At present, she is a PhD candidate in urbanism at (FAUL). Since 2021 she has participated in conferences and published articles for journals and magazines in the area of architecture, urbanism and design. 

  • Nawaf Al Mushayt, CIAUD, Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa

    Nawaf Saeed AI Mushayt (Khamis Mushayt, Saudi Arabia, 1989) graduated in Architecture (B.Arch.) from King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in 2012. In 2016 he graduated in Urban Design (M.U.D) from The Savannah College of Art and Design, USA. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture - University of Lisbon. His research interests and activities focus on the co-relationship between urban morphology, notably within the context of streets, and public life, at a human scale, in shaping street livability. Since 2019, he has been part of Forma Urbis Lab, a research team that develops research projects related to urban forms.

  • Maria Matos Silva, CIAUD, Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa

    Maria Matos Silva is Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture at Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), University of Lisbon (Bachelor, Master and PhD levels). She graduated in Landscape Architecture (University of Lisbon, 2007), being awarded the best graduated student in the final year; has a master’s degree in urban design (University of Barcelona, 2010); a PGDip in urban and regional planning (University of Lisbon, 2011) and a PhD in Public Space Design (University of Barcelona, 2016), having obtained Excellent “Cum Laude” classification and the recognition of “Finalist” of the European Prize Manuel de Solà-Morales (2019 edition). Since 2016, Maria is a Research Associate of the CIAUD – Research Centre of Architecture, Urbanism and Design at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon. She has been involved in R&D projects and has thus far published in various international peer-review journals and conferences. Her academic interests are focused on subjects related to landscape, design and management, urban planning, sustainability, urban flooding, public space design and adaptation to climate change. Currently, Maria is a board member of the Portuguese Association of Historic Gardens (AJH - Associação dos Jardins Históricos).

  • Sérgio Barreiros Proença, CIAUD, Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa

    Sérgio Barreiros Proença (Lisbon, Portugal, 1977) Architect (2001), MSc in Modern and Contemporary Architectural Culture since 2007 and PhD in Urbanism since 2014 with the thesis The diversity of the Street in the city of Lisbon. Morphology and Morphogenesis by the Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade de Lisboa. 

    Assistant Professor of the Lisbon School of Architecture, ULisboa, teaches Design Studio classes on the Integrated Master in Architecture and the Thesis I - Intermediate Seminar on the PhD in Urbanism. Effective researcher of CIAUD and founding member of formaurbis LAB. Coordinates the ongoing research on The Portuguese Atlantic Seashore Streets. Interpretative reading and Design in Climate Change context.


Dal Cin, F. (2022). Streets by the sea: Type, Limit and Elements – Lisboa FA, 2022. Tese de Doutoramento.

Proença, S.B.; Dal Cin, F.; Valente Monteiro, C.; Franco, M.I.; Matos Silva, M.; Saeed Al Mushayt, N. The Urban Public Space between Land and Sea: The Case of Quarteira, Portugal. Land 2023, 12, 539

Proença, S.B. [et al.]. (2022). Public ground as coastal defence: imagining the Mediterranean beachfront by the Atlantic A: "QRU: Quaderns de Recerca en Urbanisme", 13, 116-137.

Proença, S.B., (2018). Reading and interpreting Portuguese Atlantic seashore streets in sea level rise context . Transitional Streets. Narrating Stories of Convivial Streets, Beirut. 1–8. ISSN 2617-3727.

Viganò P., (1999). La città elementare, SKIRA, Milano. ISBN: 888118642.