Unveiling the Queer Migrant Experiences in İstanbul


  • Omer Melikoglu Istanbul Technical University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Günay Istanbul Technical University


queer migration, home-making, digital space




Within the realm of queer existence, the notion of "home" extends beyond the confines of traditional bricks and mortar, evolving into a multifaceted entity that not only encompasses the emotional sanctuary within, the physical dwelling, and the supportive communities fostering a sense of belonging but also incorporates the transformative role of digital spaces. These virtual environments, emerging as alternative public spaces, play a crucial role in the contemporary definition of home, especially for queer migrants. In this expansive context, home transcends its conventional boundaries, integrating the digital realm as an integral component. It becomes a dynamic convergence of emotional resilience, physical space, and virtual communities. The study aims to reveal the novelties of digital spaces and collaborative endeavors that serve as an alternative public space, constituting a method of digital home-making for queer migrants.

At this juncture, this article delves into the unique experiences of queer migrants in İstanbul, drawing inspiration from the personal migration story of the author and the narrative of a queer Syrian refugee who sought asylum in Istanbul following the tumultuous Syrian civil war. Focusing on home-making practices, the research concentrates on the digital ways that queer immigrants create and redefine spaces that not only serve to find shelter but also function as sites of identity expression and resilience. In this context, employing both narrative and auto-ethnography methods, our focus is on discerning how digital spaces and tools evoke a sense of home and communal belonging that queer migrants may not have experienced during their constrained urban encounters. This investigation sheds light on the instances where digital spaces and tools serve as alternative ways for home-making, shaping the sense of belonging for queer migrants through digital means. In conjunction with this exploration, we aim to highlight how digital spaces effectively instill feelings of solidarity and communal connection that bridge the perceived lack of connectivity experienced during the limited urban engagements of queer migrants in Istanbul.

Author Biography

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Günay, Istanbul Technical University

    Istanbul Technical University, The Department of Urban and Regional Planning.