
  • PhD. Ani Tola Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania
  • Prof. Paul Louis Meunier 2Professor, Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics ESTP, Paris, France
  • Teuta Peshkopia Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania
  • Iurii Troshkov Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics ESTP, Paris, France; Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St Petersburg, Russia


Mediterranean coastal promenades, urban heat islands (UHI), outdoor thermal comfort




Climate change, urban heat islands (UHI), and cooling systems in the built environment have been extensively studied in developed nations over the past few decades. Cities are currently facing a multitude of challenges arising from climate conditions, urbanization, and urban design, which are leading to escalating social, health, and economic concerns. The presence of distinct urban features has a direct impact on the microclimate of outdoor areas and, in addition, influences the overall climate of the city. Various decision-makers fail to take into account the climate and urban texture standards when designing. This study focuses on the Mediterranean coastal promenades as a distinctive form of constructed surroundings, with a specific examination of the coastal promenades in Albania, France, and Italy. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of various cooling systems on thermal comfort at the pedestrian level, taking into account climate data.

The study is both quantitative and qualitative, and three main methodologies are merged in terms of complexity: experimental, semi-experimental, and comparative research. An assessment of the urban texture is undertaken, followed by field measurements of the microclimate using climate measuring tools and climatic data from the nearby weather station on the promenade. At the same time, thermal cameras are used to take field measurements. Computer simulations are run with ENVI-met for a part of the promenade based on the actual circumstances, with a focus on PET (Equivalent Physiological Temperature) and STS (Material Surface Temperature from the simulation). Different scenarios are developed by considering some mitigation solutions for preventing UHI, which include the regeneration of the promenades by replacing existing pavements with cool pavements, adding green spaces and trees, using water bodies and water spray, increasing the presence of artificial and natural shading, and providing smart technologies for cooling systems. The results obtained from these scenarios are compared with the basic scenario (actual situation), focusing on the two aforementioned parameters, PET and STS.

Mediterranean cities are renowned worldwide for their "La Dolce Vita" lifestyle, characterized by a preference for leisurely walk along the seaside and spending more time outdoors than indoors, thanks to the pleasant Mediterranean environment. The architects, urbanists, and decision-makers shouldn't ignore the significant potential of this. They must take into account not only the aesthetic and practical features, but also the means to ensure thermal comfort and livability all year round. Evaluating the thermal comfort of the promenade is crucial in promoting extended outside activities and discouraging reliance on indoor air conditioning. In the future, this research has the potential to encompass more Mediterranean countries and might be suggested as a fundamental methodology for countries with varying climates.


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